
Title: 7 Steps To Selecting A Continuing Edu cation Class Word Count: 1025 Summary: Adults want their education to be relevant to their specific needs. What they are learning must be applicable to their job, values or other responsibilities. Once they see the relevancy in their learning, adults want to create goals for their education. […]

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Title: 5 Ways to Fund Your Child’s College Educa tion Word Count: 702 Summary: A degree level education is probably the most expensive single cost in bringing up children today. Unless parents take action early the chances of their children graduating without substantial debt are minimal – that’s if they can afford to go to […]

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Title: 3 Important Truths About Adult Education Wo rd Count: 541 Summary: As an instructor at a state college I know that today’s college student is just as likely to be middle-aged (or older) as a teenager. Yet, I frequently find myself counseling adults who are thinking about returning to school to further their education. […]

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Title: 3 Alternatives For Investing For Your Child’s Higher Education Costs Word Count: 611 Summary: With higher education tuition increasing at double digit year over year percentages an effective saving plan for your kid’s education is becoming much more important than it has been before. Most families will discover that their future higher education costs […]

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